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SR Monthly Financials for 2023

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SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:00 pm

To give an even more transparent view of the financial accounts going forward in 2023, I will be giving regular monthly updates of the basic information around our donations and how they are spent each month.

Almost all of the costs for Sentinels Republic are paid in GBP and so I will be showing all accounts in that currency within the financial accounts each month. Many donations are paid in USD or other currencies too but these will be converted to GBP for the purposes of showing donations received each month.

Balances will be reported at the start and end of each month, this balance total could fluctuate slightly depending on the exchange rate at the time of when summary is completed each month

Jan -2023

Donations Total received this month - £279.86
Donations - 15
Server Expenses - £256.37
Surplus - £23.49

Start of Month Balance - £419.54 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance - £443.03 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:24 pm

Feb - 2023

Donations Total received this month £408.21
Server Expenses £266.97
Surplus this month £141.24

Start of Month Balance £443.03 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance £584.27 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:27 pm

March - 2023

Donations Total received this month £251.51
Server Expenses £257.49
Surplus this month -£5.98

Start of Month Balance £584.27 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance £578.29 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Tue May 09, 2023 5:32 pm

April - 2023

Donations Total received this month £478.56
Server Expenses £273.87
Surplus this month +£204.69

Start of Month Balance +£578.29 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£782.98 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:27 pm

May - 2023

Donations Total received this month £172.80
Server Expenses £285.85
Surplus this month -£113.05

Start of Month Balance +£782.98 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£669.93 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

You may have noticed that we have upped the monthly donation goal on the forum from $350 to $400 this month, the reasoning behind this is so that we would like to have the financial scope to be able to potentially enhance our current infrastructure to improve server stability and performance in the future, but at the same time have enough in reserve to ensure that we safeguard our long term future by making sure we can pay the bills a few months in advance.

We always will be transparent with our costs and donations received here at SR and everything we receive goes straight back into the services we provide to you our wonderful community, we thank you all for your kind generosity and donations. :)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:41 pm

June - 2023

Donations Total received this month £679.46
Server Expenses £278.64
Surplus this month £400.82

Start of Month Balance +£669.93 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£1070.75 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:48 pm

July - 2023

Donations Total received this month £223.51
Server Expenses £310.74
Surplus this month -£87.23

Start of Month Balance +£1070.75 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£983.52 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

We had some added annual expenses this month due to a domain and a Discord Bot which both needed to be renewed.

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:25 pm

August - 2023

Donations Total received this month £281.82
Server Expenses £265.50
Surplus this month +£16.32

Start of Month Balance +£983.52 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£999.84 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:52 pm

September - 2023

Donations Total received this month £627.45
Server Expenses £336.99
Surplus this month +£290.46

Start of Month Balance +£999.84 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£1290.30 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

The total for server expenses was increased in September slightly due to us needing to buy a licence for some software which we use to manage the website.

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Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:59 pm

October - 2023

Donations Total received this month £245.00
Server Expenses £267.96
Surplus this month -£22.96

Start of Month Balance +£1290.30 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£1267.34 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
