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SR Monthly Financials for 2023

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Site Admin / Chief Coffee Taster
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Great Britain

Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Tue Dec 12, 2023 4:36 pm

November - 2023

Donations Total received this month £239.44
Server Expenses £497.47
Surplus this month -£258.03

Start of Month Balance +£1267.34 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£1009.31 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

We have incurred added server expenses this month due to the purchase of new enhanced server hardware and backup storage solutions. In order to facilitate this, we require a period of time to setup and test everything on the new server infrastructure.

This will mean we can ensure things are working as intended, and you can continue to enjoy the game here at SR during this period of transition. However, this means there is a crossover period where we have two server contracts running at the same time. This means that we have extra financial costs this month and for December.

We anticipate that the move to the new infrastructure should be all completed before January 1st 2024, when costs should reduce back to normal levels.

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Site Admin / Chief Coffee Taster
Posts: 233
Joined: Tue May 16, 2017 1:15 pm
Great Britain

Re: SR Monthly Financials for 2023


Post by desporo » Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:13 pm

December - 2023

Donations Total received this month £291.14

Server Expenses £547.05
Surplus this month -£255.91

Start of Month Balance +£1009.31 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Month Balance +£753.40 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

We have incurred added server expenses again this month due to the purchase of the new enhanced server hardware and backup storage solutions. In order to facilitate this move, we required a period of time to setup and test everything on the new server infrastructure which has meant a crossover period where we have two server contracts running at the same time.

Starting Jan 2024 our costs should reduce back to normal levels once again.

End of Year Summary

Donations Total received in 2023 £4178.76

Total Server Expenses 2023 £3844.90
Total Surplus 2023 +£333.86

Start of Year Balance +£419.54 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)
End of Year Balance +£753.40 (Estimated as per Exchange Rate at time of reporting)

I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported Sentinels Republic by donating in 2023, thanks to your generous donations we have been able to upgrade our server capabilities with new enhanced infrastructure that will help us continue to grow and improve our capacity to push the boundaries further going into 2024 and beyond.
