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Notification of upcoming game updates this week

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:22 pm
by desporo
We will be putting in various game updates and fixes this week which I shall leave to the dev team to announce separately.

However, some of the GCW code pre rebase wasn't added and will be reinserted with these updates.
1) This code prevented items being placed in bases to make terminal access trickier. Please ensure that any bases containing items are removed within 1 week of this announcement.
2) The base placement code. This should mean the Chap 1.7 code is now working properly. Whilst we acknowledge a PvP channel vote since indicated a desire to change this to one base per faction, concerns raised about how that could be exploited have not yet been fully explored or solutions found. This change will not be actioned until we are more confident that we won't be creating a greater workload for the team.

In addition, we would like to remind all GCW participants that opposing players should have access to bases at all times. If you have a concern around items in a base / entrance blocking / griefing then please take screenshots, and report it to Coz in discord or via our dedicated email - [email protected]. You will need to include a waypoint and planet. This should be done in private so that we can investigate and resolve issues quickly.