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Announcement: We have updated our multiple accounts policy. Please read here and submit the required information if your household plays on more than one account.

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Update to Multiple Account Household Policy

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Site Admin / Chief Coffee Taster
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue May 16, 2017 1:15 pm
Great Britain

Update to Multiple Account Household Policy


Post by desporo » Thu May 13, 2021 4:09 pm

We have always had the rule of one account per player that is checked via IP address. However we are also aware that family members are increasingly joining in the fun, so we do have a policy that enables each person playing in a house to have their own account. Please note that an additional account should only be played by the person it is intended for.

You should use this link and complete the form following the instructions set out on the page, if for some reason the link isn't working then send an email to [email protected] requesting multiple accounts or contact Desporo in the SR discord. Please include the following:

1. Account names - both current player account and the proposed new account name.
2. A single image showing each person’s hand holding something with their account name / proposed account name and a date/time stamp. Additional players will need to hold their proposed account name as you will not be able to make the account until you have approval.
3. The ip address/range you are playing on
4. A name of a character we can contact or ideally your Discord name

Images are viewed once by the server owner to ensure that the accounts can be approved. They are not shared, copied or saved anywhere.
Please note that if you are applying for an account that includes someone under the age of 18, we would anticipate that you are already an existing account holder. Please contact Desporo, Coz or Miphstoe via the forums or discord for additional guidance.
