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Player Conduct Here at SR September 2023

Policy Listings
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CC Admin
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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:31 pm

Player Conduct Here at SR September 2023


Post by Cozdragon » Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:21 pm

Following the guild leader’s meeting last night, the latest version of the server rules have now been ratified and are available here for everyone to read and abide by. They will also be posted on the forums and updated in other locations as we have time.

We would like to reiterate that ALL complaints about player conduct should be made in a private message to Coz here, or using the complaints email [email protected]. Making public accusations makes it extremely difficult for us to investigate, and can result in comments being made that escalate situations or cause continued drama. More importantly, it severely hampers the discussion process carried out by staff which is supposed to be anonymous. We thank you for your compliance in these matters. Remember we are SR first – may the force be with you.

Player conduct in-game or on any other platform referencing Sentinels Republic (SR)

1.1 We expect the community to treat each other with respect. Our SWG community is diverse, and we expect you to be mindful of this, and of the different ages of those that play. Harassment is unacceptable. It may involve repeated actions or action across multiple platforms or include a real or perceived power imbalance. A power imbalance could be comments such as “I’ll get you banned because I know x”, or encouraging guild members to target someone, it does not refer to an imbalance between character skills. Harassment may include but is not limited to:
• Actions via game mechanics – e.g., Kill stealing, cloner camping, naming items to break others’ macros
• Grooming / exploitation – Communicating or attempting to befriend / establish a relationship or emotional connection with another player of any age to exploit, coerce or intimidate them.
• Hate speech – remarks, jokes or comments relating to race, sex, sexuality, gender or any other protected characteristic as defined in the UK Equality Act 2010 and equivalent international legislation. It includes comments that reinforce the marginalisation of individuals or groups, e.g., those with physical or mental health needs, or on the basis of religious or political beliefs.
• Indirect – spreading rumours, intimidation, exclusion from social groups, manipulating or undermining others.
• Sexual –Sexualised name-calling, derogatory comments, sexual propositions or comments, sending / requesting images, videos, etc. are not appropriate. Using words such as rape in other contexts are not tolerated.
• Taunting / Griefing – Whilst we recognize the game is set in the Galactic Civil War, we expect players to treat each other respectfully. Using aspects of the game in unintended ways, e.g., training mobs, placing bases in opposing cities near key facilities such as shuttleports, cloning centres, cantinas, medical centres with buffing facilities and vendors is not acceptable.
• Verbal or non-verbal abuse – name-calling, insults or gossiping, offensive hand signs or messages.

1.2. Language that is considered vulgar, or falls within section 1.1 may not be used, this includes naming characters, pets, objects, buildings etc. We would ask all players to remember that our server is family friendly – creating content which recreates self-harm, physical harm, sexual images, or any illegal action in a public space will not be tolerated.

1.3 Disrupting any platform is inappropriate. Examples of disruption could be, but are not limited to abusive, racial, personal attacks, publicly sharing private conversations, failing to comply with repeated staff requests or complaining repeatedly about them.
Reporting issues with other players:
If you have an issue with a guild member, discuss it with your guild leader. Guild leaders can contact the Community Manager (CM) at any time, via discord or email.
If a player’s behaviour concerns you in game, or any other SR platform – i.e., forums, discord etc, and the incident has concluded, please screenshot it and contact the Community Manager directly (Coz) in discord or via email: [email protected].
If the incident is happening, avoid responding. Alert staff by contacting them via discord message so they can calm the situation down. Staff are identifiable by their tags e.g., Community Manager, Admin, CSR, EC, CSI, Helper. If you do not use discord, you could ask someone you know and trust to contact them on your behalf.
All complaints must be passed to Coz, they are recorded centrally and investigated. All complaints are then reviewed by a group of senior staff who have no guild /city allegiance. Actions taken will be agreed by senior staff and shared with those involved; where appropriate, a general announcement may also be made. If you are still unhappy with the action taken you should contact Desporo.

Game Rules

2.1 Account/Character/Building/Object Naming/Player Names: Using any language covered in Section 1.1 or 1.2 for names is unacceptable. Additionally:
a) The use of religious, political, or controversial historical figures or references, both direct and indirect, are forbidden.
b) The use of Star Wars Character names is prohibited.
c) We reserve the right to reject any name, and to ask a player to change it.

2.2 Accounts: Your account is created via the website and only 1 game account per IP may be created. Each account has 5 character slots and up to 3 characters may be online at once. For accounts for other players that share the same IP, contact a staff member for information.

2.3 Allowing another person access to your account, or accessing another player’s account to benefit your own toons is inappropriate. Please note that you are responsible for your account and safeguarding account details at all times.

2.4 Account Mass Creating/Deleting to gain starter Money or equipment is not allowed. Please note: The first 5 toons will receive 110000 credits, subsequent toons will receive 1100 credits.

2.5 Bug Abuse/Hacking: Hacking or abuse of any bugs, duping or abuse of any in-game system is not allowed. This includes using exploits, dupe or functions to negatively impact the playing experience of one or more players, including deliberately perpetrating issues known to crash a player or the server. See below for the reporting game issues information.

2.6 Use the Services Channel for all trading, buying, selling and service announcements in game. Keep macros short and simple. For example: I am providing Ent (0%) and/or Doc (0.0k, 0hrs, 0k credits) at (City) on (planet), (waypoint). Ensure there is a minimum pause of 5 minutes = /pause 300). Buff bots may also use spatial, tells or group chat. The Auction Channel may be used for auctioning sale items in game.

2.7 RMT (Real Money Trading): Trading characters, credits, accounts, items, or anything related to the server for real money is not allowed.

2.8 PvP guidelines have been voted for by the players. The agreement is that ‘Red is dead’ - if you are attackable then you can be attacked regardless of what you are doing or which guild you are in. The ONLY exclusion is for players attending events, and for 5 minutes following the event closure. It is acceptable for PvP to take place between players multiple times in a day. Players are not allowed to kill other characters by agreement for mutual benefit. Examples of this include: gaining credits, faction, PvP rating or in order to be removed from the terminals. It will be considered an exploit and treated as such. The code of conduct continues to apply during PvP.

2.9 Jedi and bounty hunters play an integral part of PvP here. Bounty hunters may work together or individually, and since this is a hunt the kill stealing guidelines will NOT apply. We would ask that Jedi are mindful about not AFKing on outside spaces of buildings to waste BH time. Those that choose to do so repeatedly will face sanctions. BH who experience this will need to submit 2 time-stamped screenshots 15 minutes apart, the first showing an attempt to contact the player, and the second showing that they are still AFK and have not responded to the tell.

Reporting game issues

IF you identify a bug, report it using the mantis button on the launcher. Please be as descriptive as possible when reporting and include screenshots / video to support it. If you identify a potential exploit then please contact either the community manager (Coz), the dev coordinator (Mafs) or Desporo.

If your game issue is with another player, then please always contact Coz privately with the screenshots.

General Guidance:
3.1 Ensure that you post in the correct forum or channel.
3.2 Remain on topic. Start a new thread if you want to discuss something else.
3.3 Post constructive criticism. Discussion with another player or staff member is acceptable, however the general conduct rules continue to apply.
3.4 Keep our forums clean by not posting links to phishing sites, spam or re-posting closed, modified, or deleted content. If you see inappropriate content, report it to staff member. The following topics are strictly off limits, including in external links:
• Porn, gross stuff, or anything else not safe for work.
• Cheating, hacking, game exploits.
• Threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke.
• Soliciting, begging, auctioning, selling, advertising, referrals.
• Racism, discrimination, religious, political, and other ‘prone to huge argument’ threads.
3.5 Keep personal information which could reveal your real-life identity strictly private.
3.6 Keep your forum account private. They are intended for the use by one person. Staff will NEVER ask for your password.
3.7 If you see a person breaking the rules, use the “Report this post to a moderator” link. Users who are found to be repeat offenders will be removed from the forums.

• If you require rule clarification, please ask a staff member. They may refer you to a senior staff member.
• Rules are subject to change. They will be updated on the website, forums and pinned to the announcements channel in Discord.
• We will not support scam victims, trade at your own risk.
• All punishments will be decided on a case-by-case basis, at the staff’s sole discretion and without consideration for precedent.
• We reserve the right to remove content that contravenes the rules.

All complaints are investigated and discussed. Staff may take interim measures e.g., muting / freezing toons to give the senior team time to investigate and review information. Initial actions may be reviewed and extended following admin team discussion. Contacting staff about a decision made regarding another player will not be tolerated.
If you wish to discuss a decision made by staff regarding your own conduct, please do so privately, however we strongly recommend that you take some time away first to ensure that you are calm.
The following consequences are examples of actions that may be taken.
• General reminders about the expectations.
• Freezing/muting in-game and/or removal of discord access for a short period of time whilst the player considers their actions and staff can consider any further action required.
• A warning by a senior member of staff, stating which rules have been broken. Repeated warnings will result in further action.
• Removal of discord access and/or game access for a period of time ranging from 24 hours to up to one month. This will be discussed and agreed by admin staff.
• Deleting of an account, banning of the IP address and removal from any and all platforms in SR’s control. This will be discussed and agreed by admin staff.
• We reserve the right to share IP addresses and account names with other server owners.

Prepared: August 2023
Shared and discussed with guild leaders: September 2nd 2023
Agreed by the team
