Standard Life Day Quest Enabled
- Talk to Kkatamk in Theed, Coronet or Eisley
- More details to follow
New Scavenger Outpost on Hoth
New SR Items vendor that allows you to buy houses and vehicles with SR Coins
Quality of Life Changes:
- Remove fill on death so you can rebuff your food and drink
- Improve chance of 4 sockets for Maxed Tailor and Armorsmith
- Add post-craft color change to all clothing and armor
- Fixed species restrictions so it does not exist on clothing and armor
- Remove Stun from armor base
- Make milking scale with scout/ranger - master ranger gets about 3x
- Higher amount of eggs found, scale with scout/ranger - master ranger gets about 3x
- Higher chance find eggs in a lair
- Minimum Creature Harvesting amount set to 10 Units in caves
- Improve chance of finding Sintari Prowlers
- Improve health regen after channel force (twice as fast).
- /paymaintenance command subtracts from cash or bank (if cash is empty)
- Increased number of stored items in a house to cost in lots * 200 (a house worth 2 lots will hold 400 items)
- Increased default number of stored pets to 5, faction pets to 5, vehicles to 5
- Bazaar: Raise Auction credit listing from 20k to 30k credits, Raise max number of items from 25 to 30, Lower cost for Bazaar from 20 to 10
- Vendor: Raise Vendor listing time from 30 to 90 days
- Fix most belts to not hoola hoop when wearing them
- Change vehicle deeds to look like the bike in inventory, examination and housing
- Shuttle Ticket purchase range increased from 8m->20m