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Safari Hunt

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Safari Hunt


Post by Cozdragon » Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:05 pm

Safari Hunt

I’m sure many of you have heard of the ‘big 5’ to spot when on Safari. Don your best hunting gear, and get ready to explore because this is a safari hunt, SWG Style!

Our big 5 are:
1. Wampa
2. Bull Rancor
3. Graul
4. Giant Mawgax
5. Giant Sandbeetle


1. A selfie with each of the big 5 – you can submit all five images separately or create a collage.

2. Animal Photo bomb – Choose one of the big 5 animals, find them and make the animal the star of the show.

3. Life after death - yours or theirs! Choose one animal, only one of you can live.

4. Animals in nature – Choose one of the animals, and portray them in their natural habitat.

5. Family portrait – Find a baby, and capture the perfect family moment.

Please remember that all images should be family friendly.


First prize: Choose any building with a bonus deed: e.g. Commando, Diner, Jedi Meditation House, Player Hospital, Relaxation House, Sandcrawler, Sith Meditation House, Tree House, Vehicle Garage, VIP Bunker

Second prize: Choose from: GPE Pod racer or Ord Pedrovia Pod racer

Third prize: Choose from: Yoda House, Emperor’s House, Hangar House, Mustafarian Bunker, Bespin House, Vehicle House, AT-AT House, Jabba’s Sail Barge, YT1300 House, Diner, Generic Large Windowed 1 House, Generic Large Windowed 2 House,

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Re: Safari Hunt-Falx


Post by Falxu » Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:29 am

Well I didn't fully read all the rules before rushing off and photographing so... categories are going to be... less than ideal. All my fault.

How to start? I suppose Alphabetically works.
Welcome to Dantooine, here we have a shot of myself observing the local grauls... doing whatever it is grauls do. Sometimes I like to think that when no one is watching they have a tea party, with crumpets and cream and jam and they hold their pinkies out when sipping tea from the fine chinaware... Oh, don't mind Trunka, that's my Grassland Thune sticking his trunk in the photo, I'm sure he was after some more treats and was not jealous at all about not being included in the photo...
It's always strange returning home... very conflicted... well I suppose this isn't really home any more, but still - a story for another time. Here we have Bull Rancors, nasty brutes, you don't want to know what they roll around in to get that vile disease they spread. Oho, look at that, Chica always sneaks out when I'm on Dathomir, baz nitches are also a native species. He's adorable.
Wow, you get cold just looking at this photo. Welcome to Hoth, arguably the coldest planet in the galaxy - at least the coldest planet anyone bothers to visit! Wampas are the apex predator here, scary, and you can bet your britches they have the breath to go along with their formidable strength, power and viciousness. Tread with caution on this planet, and if you want to play with the local fauna, I suggest taun-tauns, they are much more agreeable and less likely to bite you arm off when you try and pet them.
Sigh, leave it to Bob to get in the way of this shot. Bob is my Bantha, yes, Bob - stop judging the names I give the creatures I handle! Look just admire the big sand bug. These won't shoot you, steal from your, extort you, eat you or slowly digest you over a thousand years. Makes you wonder why anyone comes to Tatooine or why there are so many cities on a barely habitable desert planet... What are they not telling us?!
Last stop, Yavin 4! Look at this beach! On a moon no less! Riding along this beach on my trusty nerf we came across some Mawgax of the giant variety! They are so cute frolicking in sand and sea and they are friendly! Look even Nerf wants to make friends! You're judging me again aren't you? About my pet name? Bob was already used and Nerf responds well to being called Nerf. I suspect it might have something to do with the local yokels on Tanaab hollering it all the time. Enjoy the lovely picture of Yavin 4 and the wildlife that doesn't want to rip you to shreds and consume you remains.
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by jason1977 » Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:22 pm

Category 1 - Selfie with each of the big 5. Even Master Rangers have a tough time getting some rest. Just camping out and then all hell breaks loose!

Graul Maulers
Giant Sand Beetles
Bull Rancors
Giant Mawgax
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by smallot » Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:16 am

my submissions

wampa- life after death
bull rancor- animal photo bomb
graul- selfie
giant mawgax- selfie
giant sandbeetle- selfie
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by Kara » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:17 am

Here are my submissions per category.

#1 A selfie with each of the big 5:

Bull Rancor
Selfie_Bull Rancor.png
Giant Mawgax
Selfie_ Giant Mawgax.png
Giant Sandbeetle
Selfie_Giant Sandbeetle.png
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by Kara » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:18 am

Here are my submissions per category.

#2 Animal Photo Bomb

The Giant Mawgax getting in on the action ;)
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by Kara » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:22 am

Here are my submissions per category.

#3 Life After Death - Graul

Here we have a pic of a co-op defeat (and submission) with @Stin of a Graul - mighty in battle and death :cry:
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by Kara » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:24 am

Here are my submissions per category.

#4 Animals in Nature - Bull Rancor

Sneaking upon the Rancors in the pouring rain - they didn't detect Arak The Master Ranger!
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by Kara » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:25 am

Here are my submissions per category.

Final one - #5 Family Portrait

Cute baby Giant Sandbeetle with the Fam relaxing by their family home
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Re: Safari Hunt


Post by dstryman » Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:07 am

category 5- find a baby and capture the perfect family moment

a baby graul that doesn't want to go home
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