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Fishing Competition until May 11th

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Fishing Competition until May 11th


Post by Cozdragon » Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:50 am

Grab your rod, some bait and settle down by your favourite patch of water. There are 7 species, so you can make up to 14 entries on your account. If you’ve never tried SWG fishing you may find this guide useful.

Fish Species:

Striped Fish


1.The largest fish caught of each species

2.The smallest fish caught of each species

Offer your potential winner for each species on the “largest” or “smallest” vendor at Coz’s Fish Wholesaler at -1175 -3890 Corellia – Coronet is the nearest starport.

What can you win:

Winner of each category: 5000 units of the server best resource of your choice.

Second prize: 2500 units of the server best resource of your choice.

Third prize: 1000 units of the server best resource of your choice.

How will this competition be judged:
When you /examine a fish it tells you how long it is.

On the closing date Coz will examine every fish and order the length of each fish by species. She will award prizes to the longest and shortest three fish for each species. She will also check toons to make sure that there is only 1 entry per category, per account.

A scoreboard with the winners name, and a picture of their fish showing it’s length will be added to the event channel on discord by Saturday 14th May. Please contact her on discord or in game to arrange your prize. If you win different categories you can have a different resource type for each prize.
fishing comp2 april22.jpg
fishing comp1 april22.jpg
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